Project 365 ~September 2013


September was a month of planning. Our Girl Scout troop started its new member year, the children were settling into their new school year, Halloween costumes were discussed, and fun was had!


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The cries of undead children could be heard throughout the Cracker Barrel that day… Or maybe that was just Miranda Anne’s cries of hunger! :D


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Skeleton in my closet, or just on my back?


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A day out with the girls in historic Weston. Much wine was consumed… Much fun was had.


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Air Hockey Queen ;)


And that, my friends, is all! Thanks for peering into my little world and, until next we speak, I wish you a perpetually fulfilling existence!

Project 365 ~ August 2013


August was a month of getting things back to normal. School started for the kids. Planning was done. Things were said. Driveways were cut in. Parties were had. Stuff, just kinda happened! We visited the Balloon Festival in early August and we also scoped out the scary, abandoned Metro North Mall. The Scouts had a workshop at one of the local groceries and we celebrated Jason’s birthday with family a little early this year. (Yes… the Big 4-0!)

So there’s no real theme to these images. Just a mismatched group, kind of like our month! :)

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I ordered my 23&Me kit last month and it came! So, of course, I sent it back out the very same day. :) Results were pretty quick (3 weeks or so in total, but small pieces were coming within a week (I think) of the box’s arrival back to their facility.)

Results were interesting… Some of it wasn’t all that surprising. (Markers for MS were higher than average. Go figure!) More surprising areas were that I really didn’t have a lot of markers for anything that most people I know have. Sure, higher chance of a few autoimmune disorders (Crohn’s, MS, etc.), but no higher probability of diabetes or breast cancer or anything normal like that. So, I guess if I end up there, it’s all due to what’s been done to me or what I’ve done to myself, not my genetic inheritance! :)

Ancestrally, I discovered that beyond the genetic pull toward the Northern European, which was there to be sure, my maternal line also had some Asian markers! That was kind of interesting/exciting/new. Makes me wonder how that happened since no one has ever mentioned anything about such things and my gram used to be quite into genealogical study.


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Early in the month, we went to the balloon festival. It was pretty cool. (Although the weather was hot as Hades that day!)

Jas tried to take the girls up in one, but they didn’t get in line in time. Maybe next year? :)


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Being the good leader I am (or try to be is probably a more apt way of putting it!), I scheduled the girls to finalize their Brownie Snack badge at a local grocery, where a licensed dietician taught them how to make a few healthy snacks, sent them on a scavenger hunt, and quizzed them about the good and the bad in the grocery aisles.

This particular treat was a sort of chocolate-cherry smoothie that the girls thought was tops! They also made a sort of banana/honey/nut butter wrap that looked pretty alright, but I would have left that tortilla right out! :)

In the end, fun was had by all, learning took place, and badges were received. Yay!


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Jason turns 40 this year. I have said in the past that if anything is going to happen, it should happen to him first and I guess that includes getting older! We have plans to celebrate with the other side of the family this weekend — It should be fun!


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Dry ice can be so much fun! We’d used some to transport ice cream to a party, but the real fun was after… walking through clouds of fog and feeling so very mysterious. The girls thought I was suddenly the most magical person they’d ever met! :)



Project 365 ~ July 2013


I’ve labelled this last month “The Lost Month”. Starting on June 22, I have been on so many different immune suppressing medications and treatments that by July 14, I ended up with an emergency stay in the hospital due to a very nasty infection. Following, I led a semi-quarantined, work-from-home existence for the entire rest of the month. In fact, I spent so much of my time hidden away from anyone who might be a carrier of disease that I actually started relishing the life of a hermit!

So, my images are a lot of what I saw everyday: Myself, my kids, my family, my life…

With that in mind, here are a few of my favorites from July:

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This is me, sans make-up,  right after I died my hair pinkish-red on July 3rd. The color has been holding surprisingly well, considering I used cheaper color than I’m used to for such bright hues. I’m thinking the fact that we left it on for 3+ hours before rinsing might be part of the reason! :D


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These are some of the medications I was taking at the beginning of July. This is only a partial pile.. There were more that were taken later in the day. I found myself musing that there was something inherently flawed in a system that profits from your illness while simultaneously being trusted with curing you of that illness and pondering which side of morality the resulting actions would lie.


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My mom and Lizzie on Independence Day. This is something my family does. They play the guitar and sing and, sometimes, I try to sing, too. That’s one thing I hate about the immunosuppressants. (Amongst the many things… There are oh, so many things I hate about them.) They make me more susceptible to everyday bugs. So my throat is sore more often than it isn’t and that pretty much destroys any chance of singing I have… and I love to sing. :(


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This was one of the IV meds they gave me while I was in the hospital. That was the most ridiculous weekend ever. I ended up with the flu and lost over 35 lbs of water within 24 hours due to the illness. It got so bad that I started passing out and my legs kept cramping up, becoming immobile for 30+min at a time. Eventually, after passing out in the bathroom with my eyes open and Jason thinking I was dead, we decided it was time for me to go to the hospital. Where they took a look at my blood work and said “Nuh-uh — You ain’t going nowhere.” I was there overnight and went home the next afternoon, still sick, but much improved.


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This is my sweet, old, dapple dachshund, Pig. He is 10 years old and getting a bit senile. In fact, most of the time, he doesn’t know what’s going on and gets confused, but then he sees me and is so happy because he always recognizes me. :) He’s such a sweet little boy.

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These are Girl Scouts doing their Summer Service Project in a local community garden full of harvests slated for those in need.


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While working from home, Bloo was the best collaborator I could have asked for! In fact, she had something to say about almost every decision I made when it came to meals, jobs, breaks, etc. :)


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This is a creepy little chapel located outside of a local eatery. The building is old, leaky and has a door that is open to the elements, but blocked off with a heavy gate. To me, it looks like the set to some sort of horror film, only it’s real :\


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This is Mae at Girl Scout Day Camp, when we came to pick her up on the last day. It was hot, she was tired… But look at all those adorable freckles and curls! :D

And that’s that! Thanks for reading and, as always, have a great day!


Toast & Tea: July’s Just Fine for Fighting
(So’s Friday, I hear.)

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Was looking through my Sunday eReading and stumbled upon these gems to possibly lighten & enlighten on a weekend morning.
Take with coffee or tea… Maybe a croissant if you’re into that sort of thing — Which, I AM! — and enjoy!

Prince’s Fridge. Yes, the musician. Yes, he likes Dunk-a-roos  and mustard… and apparently not much else!

A Brilliant Resignation Letter. (Granted, it’s not quite as outrageous as the manager’s notes from this Domino’s Firing, but you have to respect it’s good use of grammar.)

Lana Del Rey scandalously hates on Ms. Gaga in a leaked song… And I actually kinda liked it. There’s just something about the sing-song lilt coupled with such hateful words that appeals for some reason. (Sorry Monsters… As a song, it’s not so bad!)

A preview of the New Cosmos was revealed… I fell in love with the original series over 20 years ago during my late afternoon “Special Topics in Science Class.” Let’s hope the new one does Sagan justice.

This Tumblr is delightfully wrong and absolutely in need of professional help. (Of course, I was immediately in love with it for ALL the wrong reasons!)

I’ve been considering doing this: 23 & me.

MARTHA STEWART! I must admit: I love me some Martha! There’s just something about a woman who can first show you how to roll a joint, kinda admit she’s been in a ménage á trois, and in the next sentence tells you how to easily and effectively make the best cheesecake EVER!  Best Line from the article“Zero. Fucks. Given.” and I really think it’s true!

This macro photography of Oil, Ink, & Soap will delight the eyes and blow the mind. (Or, at the very least, give you something pretty awesome to look at for a second! :D )

Bill Murray. BILL MURRAY! Really, enough said there…

Oh, yeah… and a lesson on how to give a commanding whistle with the fingers in the mouth. You know, that loud, obnoxious whistle that gets EVERYONE’S attention! (Naw, it didn’t work for me, either…)

I guess that was a strong dose of WTF from your very special purveyor of such:  Me! Enjoy! ;D




Note to Self:

  • People are NOT Slippers.
  • Relationships are NOT like riding a bike.
  • Friendships are NOT like in the movies.
  • You do NOT have to bend so far you break.
  • Loyalty is hard to come by.
  • Adulting is hard.

I find it problematic how I readily attach myself to people and then five minutes later watch that adoration turn to distaste. I wonder if it’s just me or does everyone experience such gut wrenching (and sometimes sudden) turns of favor? Or are they turns of chance? Turns of perception?

The war betwixt good and bad, right and wrong, rages behind these eyes everyday… and the question of what makes it “right” vs. “wrong” and who decides what’s right for me and mine taints nearly every interaction I have.

My moral compass is strong, but it does not always point in the direction yours does — So does that make it wrong?

I’ve always taught the children compassion thusly: Villains and heroes are exactly the same depending on which line you stand behind. If a wiry teen out for a joyride with his buds steals a stop sign, then he should be punished by the law of those that own it as he is surely a deviant… Right? What about his friends — The ones who worshipped him as a god following? To them, trouble or not, he is a hero. Ok – a little too far into the gray area for some, so let’s try this scenario: A man holds a gun on an unsuspecting teen manning the counter of a local gas station. He gets away with $300 in cash and a slew of grocery-type items and scares the crap out of the youth immensely. He should be caught and punished like the criminal he is… But what about his family that can’t afford groceries, clothing, or any number of simple necessities. When he walks in the door with a box of Twinkies, a two-liter of Mt. Dew, a new pair of sneakers for little Johnny and an extra $250 to be put toward that errant water bill that keeps threatening to be shut off, he is a hero.

See? It’s all subjective and every situation has to be looked at from all sides. Sure, I play stupid most days. It makes it easier for people to accept me. That action of “letting them get one over on me.” The letting them have a secret to feel comfortable enough to address me with is a small price to pay for the friendships that blossom and sometimes grow… And I am the jovial master of all and none.

Confusion, it seems, is a bedfellow of mine — and one I know all too well.




Sick and Dying on the Midnight Express


Doc says the vomiting and gastric infection is a gamble you take with immunosuppressant therapy. Keep hydrated. Go to hospital if dehydration gets worse. Take two of these and leave me alone kid. It’s Saturday night!

Very hard to stay positive. Very hard to stay happy. Very hard to stay anything at all.

The world keeps moving and I keep slowing down. Even after an ok week, I now end up here. Impossible not to ask why.


Project 365 – June 2013

June 2013

June was marked by a major MS exacerbation and the subsequent treatment thereof. Not a lot of travel, but a lot of family time was to be had by all.

Here are a few highlights :)



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Zona Rosa’s Entrance Tower

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The Blanket Monster DOES Exist!


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The newest Will Smith action Flick…


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No wonder they never know what to expect from me when I go in for an MRI!


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Me, after 5 days of 1000mg Solumedrol treatment.

So Goes the Day…

Homemade Spring Rolls: Family’s first time making them and absolutely delicious!

Lots of first times lately, but damn I just don’t want to miss my only chances, you know?

When this stuff happens, these things happen, I get so scared… I know that everything slips. It falters. It fades. It ends.

Mortality is a terrible, bitter taste and I’ve tasted it so many times. Leaves me wishing for before and after all at once. Before that wreck when I knew the end was inevitable and after I’m gone, so I can see what my life might have meant to the world.

Uncertainty is such a bitch. Spring rolls, however, are not.

Project 365 – May 2013

May 2013

May was, again, busy. There was the first meeting of our Girl Scout troop. Also a graduation ceremony to attend. There was a class trip to the zoo, a Mother’s Day celebration, a visit to the farm, a yard that needed trimmed, Family to visit with, groceries to get, and lot’s and lot’s of other normal things mixed in as well!

As a result, we had a lot of images to choose from. Still, a few stood out as my personal favorites and I’ve included them here, each with a little commentary. :)

Gone to the Birds

Mae was so funny. She wanted the birds to land on her, but did not want them on her head. Too many tales of bird flop stuck on people’s hair and clothes, I guess :)

Still, she was pretty pleased with herself when they came to land on her, even though she had no food to give them. Plus it made her look pretty darn cool in front of her friends from school, considering none of them seemed to be able to get any to land on them.

More Like a Yard, Less Like a Jungle

The yard needed mowed. The bushes needed trimmed. The mower needed fixed. The bikes needed maintenance. Really, everything needed a little TLC after all the odd weather we’d had this winter/spring… So all four of us, motivated by responsibility and the promise of ice cream (for the little ones), went out and gave the yard heck, just in time for Memorial Day.

While Jas mowed (and I steadied him on a couple of passes), the girls and I trimmed the jungle outside the fence, cleaned up twigs, toys, and stray debris from the front yard. Then, we all made a trip for burgers and ice cream in Liberty, by way of Five Guys and Baskin Robbins.

This panorama was taken just after we got home in that waning light between late evening and night.

Curiouser & Curiouser

I try to take at least one pic of myself each month, straight on like this with no fancy angles or lighting, just so I can look back in 50 years and say, “Man, I wish I was doing as good now as when I thought I was a wreck then!” :D

Actually, I take them so I have some sort of record of how I aged. So that my daughters can look back and say, “I remember when mom looked like that! That was about the time she took us to the zoo and we saw the hippos sleeping at the bottom of the pond.” Or they can think to themselves, “Maybe that is what I will look like when I’m 35.” Or maybe even, once I’m dead, they can look back and think of me as being there with them for a few minutes.

In the Tall Reads

This was taken at my mother’s farm in rural Northwest Missouri. As sweet as the image is, I have colloquially called it “Tick Hunting with Mae & Miranda” as both girls were warned before hand and garnered several ticks out of the deal. Of course, they also found a nest of baby bunnies, a frog, and scared a few snakes out of hiding as well… Yay for the farm! :D

We were visiting in honor of mother’s day and to pick up some donated supplies from my mother and my aunt. We also ended up visiting my aunt’s farm to see her and her baby chicks and roasting marshmallows on an open fire by the end of the night.

Pocket Change

The coins the children begged off of me at the small arcade in our local pizza haunt. Who knew shiny new quarters could bring such joy?

Long Stockings

The girls received these slippers for their birthday from Aunt Mary, the Great. They love them and wear them a lot. So, when they sat side-by-side on the couch, with them pulled all the way up, it was just too cute to miss. :)

Maribou & Feathers

I call this one Marabou & Feathers. We were perusing the aisles at the local craft store, when Thing 1 comes around the corner with this on and tells me that I should take her picture. So I did. First her way, then mine… I think it turned out pretty well. :)

Project365 – April 2013


Pinewood Derby Time! The girls and Jas all raced cars. Mae’s Devil Derby Racer won most of its heats, but didn’t quite place. Jas’s Chinese Dragon Screamer took third in the adult class.

We also spent a lot of time running around trying to get ready for the end of the school year and the beginning of our Girl Scout troop.

All in all, a pretty full month!






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photo 2

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