A Long Time Coming


This morning, while singing along with the radio, I was struck by a very strong memory:

The First Time I TRULY Disappointed Myself

I don’t remember the exact year, but I want to believe it was the summer of 1991. I had just turned 13 that March. I had taken a bottle of peroxide and mixed it with conditioner, fashioning my own bleach mixture, and turned my hair a sort of awkward orange/auburn/copper mess that suited me well. I had noticed that older boys, no matter how much they called me chubby, also started making truly lewd comments towards me. I was a cheerleader that summer, even though I was still a bit of an outcast. (Yes, in a small town, you can be both.) Things were, to my perspective, looking better for me than they had… Well, since I could remember, to be honest.


That summer, my uncle’s nephew, Adam, had come all the way from Pennsylvania to stay for a while. He was an odd boy with an even more foreign background. He was pail, chubby, overly confident, and a little pushy… but so was almost every boy I knew outside of my family — So of course, we got on well.

My aunt was charged with keeping him entertained for a good portion of his visit and during one of those days, she decided we would all go to the local amusement park: Worlds of Fun. That summer, I had already been there a time or two with various friends and groups and every time I had gone, I went past the tiny recording studio booth they have at such places.

As an adult, I can look back at it and say: :”What a crock of shit!” Seriously, it was a small store front, babysat by a pimply teen whose two responsibilities were to pop the right Karaoke tape into the machine and to press the right button to record. The booth itself was dark, unimpressive, and about the size of my mom’s kitchen closet and the equipment was, honestly, terribly sub par…

But, to 13-year-old me, it was the most fascinating place in the whole park and, honestly, the most terrifying. I had often been overlooked for singing parts in school productions and my friends would roll their eyes when we were all singing together in cars as girls that age are known to do… but I knew I could sing. I had taken a handful of lessons and been assured I was doing well. I had taken a piece to contest and also done well there… I patterned my voice after all these people I worshiped (still relish) and I knew I could do this… But I always chicken-shitted out.

Every. Single.Time.

And for the 2-3 years I’d been allowed to go to the park with my friends relatively unchaperoned, the story was the same: I would always take pause outside of the place, note the cost, weigh the decision in my head, and walk away. The fear of realizing I truly sucked and that people were just being nice when they told me it sounded good was too much. I’d rather take uncertainty and self-confidence than negative certainty and all that self-loathing any day… I’m not even kidding.

But, on this particular day. Having admitted to Adam that I always wanted to try it, he mentioned it to my aunt and uncle and they spotted me cash to do so. With the three of them urging me on, I couldn’t just not do it… I went in, gave the 16-year-old harbinger of doom my cash. He popped it in, gave no instruction, bumped me into the booth and pointed at the headphones. I put them on, my chosen song blared through them. It was some poppish, popular Madonna single with stupid lyrics and a catchy beat I’d seen on MTV a million times and knew the words by heart. I started singing, unsure what was going on or if I was doing this right. I couldn’t hear myself and felt really off… But there was Adam. I still, to this day, can see that strange, yet nice, boy watching me with some sort of sweet adoration that can only be titled “she’s my girlfriend today.” As I sang this piece of shit song into a crappy microphone, he smiled at me from the other side of the glass and, for about 20 seconds after I was done, I thought I must have done well.

Of course, you are then required to listen to yourself and suddenly that shining moment of feeling like I was amazing dissipated into dust. The dust being caused by my dreams crumbling under the weight of my shaking ego. I took my tape and very quietly left. Of course, the aunt and uncle wanted to hear it, but I was so horrified. Here were two of my favorite people in the world asking to hear me slaughter something… What if they thought less of me after hearing it? I mean, I certainly thought less of myself after hearing it, why wouldn’t they?  But, I did let the boy listen, not because I trusted him but because he was genuinely complimentary and because I knew I’d probably never see him again. He said it was great and… after much cajoling and one more listen through choked-back tears, I let him keep it. So, somewhere, probably a trash heap outside of Monaca, PA, sits a tape holding the hopes, dreams, and ultimate disappointment of a little girl playing at big girl dreams.

For years following, I wouldn’t sing around people just so embarrassed by my naivety. Imagine, me, thinking I was ok at that! The outrage I felt at others turned inward and there was only this fragile, broken candle where a spotlight had once shone. Sure, I might join in during a group sing along, but I throttled… Man how I throttled — Quiet like a mouse, make yourself unheard. Disappear. This was really reflected in how I dressed, acted, everything. I simply tried to look like everyone else… disappear.

Then in mid-high school, the boy I was dating and his friends were playing a song I knew well. They started singing along and I joined in with them. (Mostly bolstered by the fact that they sucked so bad, I couldn’t be any worse! Plus the comradery! I am a sucker for a group to belong to — I’m always searching for home.) But I was accused of showboating and, since I couldn’t control what I produced with my voice then, being loud and obnoxious. (To some extent I still can’t control it. I am loud if I’m really trying and it’s any good. You just have to deal with it. Sorry world!) My notes were usually spot on, but were loud, hard and powerful… and not like the other girls. If I didn’t throttle, I would drown out any one singing next to me and they weren’t getting the attention they’d fought so hard to get. I was usually pushed backward — Sometimes physically, but more often by mean words, scant looks, rolled eyes, or just plain walking away. And I let them push… I mean, no one was telling me I did good anymore and I figured I was a joke, lol. See? even I’m laughing at me.


This went on until later my Senior year of high school, when, out of pride and hope, and faux Screw-the-World attitude, I suggested that instead of a senior play we have a musical this year. At a small school, you can suggest such things and actually be heard without actually having to do anything… Just start a buzz. Mention it to the drama instructor. Mention it to the little high school song birds and pretty people. Mention it to people who have some sort of pull. Compliment the talent of others… Make them feel like it is all their idea and, poof, like magic, you’ve got yourself a musical. Oh, the petty manipulations of a teenage honor student. (Although, it wasn’t intentional. This is just the way of things there.)

They had us audition at a cold reading and didn’t even have us sing a note. I was chosen for supporting lead female — A bad-girl, Jesse-James type character who was the butt of several jokes but had one strong song and a handful of minions. I was disappointed and knew I’d been type-cast. (Because, I was always the bad girl, second-lead, even in everyday life… Why should the school musical be any different?) They sent us home with a script, a tape of our singing parts, and a date to come in for individual practice. I busted my ass over that tape. I had no idea what my lines were, really, but I listened to the tape and patterned my style, pitch, everything off that woman who was probably paid nothing for the idolatry she was getting from me. Then came my day… I went in nervous, twitchy, excited… and ready to shine. I had recorded myself, finally after all those years, and played it alongside the provided tape and was satisfied. I had prepared and practiced. I WAS READY TO DO THIS! But, before a single note came out of my mouth, I was instructed to just yell out the words. “Just do it like we said… just yell them out in time with the music.”

I tried it their way and was miserable. My throat started to hurt and I was starting to get hoarse. I was defeated, disheartened, and really, really upset when at the end I asked, trembling, if I could just do it my way for the last run through. They shook their heads, looked at each other like I was a failure, and agreed exasperatedly that I could, after reminding me that next time we do this I was to perform it as they said…

And then, the taped background music started and I blew them away. Loud and brassy and just like the girl on the tape, I sang that shitty song with everything I had. There was confusion, then quiet. They told me I should just sing it like that from now on. “I had no idea you could do that.”  Later that next week, we started read throughs to familiarize everyone with the script. You didn’t have to sing your part during, but you were encouraged to… so I did. The usual snickers and looks were stifled and I was stared at. Unable to bear it, I looked at the words like they were the road map out of the room. Afterward there was silence — And then they clapped. (My fellow players, classmates, adolescents… clapped. That feeling stays with me to this day. Every time I’m afraid I’m going to fail when I know, deep inside, that I got this, those people who probably don’t give me a second thought are there… staring, then clapping.) There wasn’t a single person there that didn’t agree that I should sing it just like that. I was the smart, chubby, bad girl that no one noticed for so long — This was a boon I couldn’t resist… Like the best drug you can imagine times a thousand. A lifetime of nonrecognition at that age feels like an eternity of invisibility and being visible is painful perfection. It’s very hard to describe.

Soon was graduation and a general feeling of relief that I was finally OUT OF THERE! I went on, that following year, to sing some background bits for a small-time local recording guy for no credit at the urging of my freshman writing instructor. Dr. G told me “Everyone wants to be a teacher. You don’t have to have any real talent to teach, you just have to bring the talent out of others… and there’s so many of us ready to bring out that talent. Teachers are EVERYWHERE!”

“Look at me,” he said. He had a way of convincing you that anything was possible. He was mostly deaf, but loved music. He wrote strange erotic books of fables about animals. He was, in himself, quite a talent. As I looked at him, I wondered if he realized I knew all this about him. “You should sing if that’s what you want to do. Switch majors… or don’t major at all and follow that dream for a lot less money than this degree will cost you.”

And I almost listened. I was right there on that crossroads… when I had the car wreck of 1997. It changed me forever and stole too many dreams to count… but that is a story leading to so much self-disappointment and regret, it’s best saved for another day. I mean, my lunch break is only so long. :)

On a more positive bent, over the last few months, I’ve been slowly coaxing myself into putting together a set of badly strummed guitar tunes that I can try to sing and play in front of people. (This would be better with someone actually talented playing alongside, but the interest and talent necessary has not really reared its head, lol. My guitar playing sucks — Nerve damage is a bitch. :P ) Maybe an open mic? Maybe just sitting on the sidewalk in City Market? Maybe hidden behind the safety of the internet where trolls aren’t attacking you to your face… Who knows?

Wish me luck!

Project 365 ~ January 2014


January was fairly sedate. A few birthday parties, some festivities, and a lot of downtime was what it had to boast.


Heavy Snow? Come at me brah!



Registering my troop for Northland Encampment this May.



Coffee Party!



My Monday Walk @ Macken



During the Impromptu Roadtrip From Hell!



Baby Brother

A Toast to 2013

[videojs mp4="http://tinyplastichouses.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/IMG_0954.mp4" autoplay="false" width="575" height="575"]


2013 crept in quietly by the front door early on January 1, 2013. She napped on the sofa for quite some time. (No doubt exhausted by jumping the previous year’s hurdles.) She slept late during that time, growing fat and resting well. We really thought she had settled in for the duration when she surprised us all. Flying off the couch, wailing like a banshee, with no warning nor provocation — Fists pumping and feet stamping. She bustled about, making a mess of everything, spilling glasses, dumping boxes, upsetting chairs… Reining down on everyone with problems and burdens sometimes to heavy to bear.

Overwhelming loss coupled with great joy fell from the ringlets in her hair. Rewarding endeavors, mistakes made innocently, failures, successes, and joyous exultation scuffed my floor as she danced. Eye-opening illness, fear, and disappointment alongside great love and understanding ran through every song she sang… and always love on the tip of her tongue and at her finger tips. (Love is never a problem at our house… It’s all the other day-to-days that seem to get in the way of things.)

Try as we might, she would not be fully consoled until after Christmas. At which time, she settled into a happy stupor and quickly slipped out the back door one night in late December. Her year-long tirade left me decades older, far more pensive, and slightly overwhelmed. (In fact, I think we’ll still be picking up her pieces for months to come!)

There were times I wished this year could have gone any other way, but then I realize the past can’t be changed. So we just keep moving along the road, skipping speed bumps and potholes, stepping on cracks, slipping on chat… taking one plodding step after another. With Destiny’s promises ringing in our ears we keep moving toward some ending. She’ll catch up at the next stop — Just give her a moment to gather what’s left of dreams scattered by Father Time. (That messy, old bastard.)

So, I send my respects to 2013 and wish her well. Let’s hope her sister who graced our doorstep this January 1 is a blessed visitor bringing temperate breezes and easier days than her sister gifted upon us.

Project 365 ~ December 2013

photo (26)

Just like the snow, December came with little warning and disappeared just as quickly. In fact, this entire year has seemed to fly by. It seems only a few days ago that we were spending New Year’s Eve fixing a broken couch and watching bad films as we waited to welcome 2013… And here we are, once again, on New Year’s Eve, waiting to usher in yet another new year… And so goes the cycle.

Here are a few of my favorite December 2013 pics.


Miranda experimenting with different methods of delivering snacks. (Yes, that’s a roller skate!)



In mid-December, we travelled to my paternal grandmother’s house to take part in the traditional tree trimming.



Christmas morning, I went to wake Jas and found him alone in bed with a green M&M… Maybe there’s something to those commercials that portray her as the leggy cartoon character!



Mae after opening her present from Jas & I. I couldn’t have nailed this one any better if I’d tried! :D



This is the time on Christmas when we rest! ;D



Jas & the girls putting together their Visible T-Rex. I said it looked like he’d just helped a mama dino birth a skeletal baby!



Goodbye good memories. This restaurant has been a staple of the girls’ childhood as their grandmother used to take them there quite often. On this evening, we found that it had closed its doors for good. Miranda and Mae both thought of it as a favorite because of all the great times they had with their grandmother.

Have a happy new year!

Christmas 2013 Redux


Christmas this year was many things, but short seems to define it most correctly! My two-day holiday felt shorter than any in the past, but that seems to follow in line with the rest of 2013. It has proven to be the shortest year in recent memory and definitely one of the busiest.

The children were very excited about the Jolly Fat Man’s impending visit and anticipated great things… So when I suggested late last week that he was concerned about the state of their room and them having enough usable space for the wonderful gifts he had planned, they were on it! Their room, which normally takes forever to straighten, took only an hour of work to make presentable. Toys put away, floor cleared and beds made!

Amongst discussions about who the mysterious gift giver was in league with and outright asking me if I, myself, was Santa Clause, the girls’ told everyone under the sun that they were going to get a Monster High School for their dolls to live and play in from the Old Man Santa. (I assured them that I was NOT Santa, but that I was a helper, as I was every year.) After hearing their father discussing arrival times and location quietly with a mysterious voice on the phone (“over Paris right now”), the children knew they’d better be on time to bed and straight to sleep or there would be no presents for them this year! (Our Santa does not mind adults so much, but gets very nervous and skiddish around human children. This means, mom and dad may stay up late and not hinder the adventure, but children are a big no-no when it comes to The Man in Red!

Christmas Day Recap:

Jason and I spent the last moments of Christmas eve watching odd horror flicks, putting together and staging a Monster High School, eating cookies and trying to not wake up sleeping children!


Santa’s Elf Putting Together Christmas Toys


The next morning, it was Mae who I heard stir first. Soon, both girls were awake and listening to me tell the that I had not heard their benefactor that night and was concerned something might have happened during his magical (and kinda creepy, if you ask me) tour of all the believer’s houses. Mae, ever The Clause’s champion, assured me that he must have come as she heard the Christmas tree ornaments shaking (probably the black cat who has some strange desire to make our Christmas tree taste her pain) and Miranda swore she heard his voice and strange clopping noises from atop our roof. (Never mind that a large man with heavy feet would not so safely traverse our rooftop… Santa is magic! He needs not abide by the rules of mortals!) ;D

The anticipation was thick as I made them wait a few moments longer for Mae to put on some pants citing the rights of motherhood as the reason… Seriously, she knew I would want to take pictures and it just would not do to have my child appearing pantless in our family album that I knew relatives & friends would be thumbing through. (Oh, don’t get me wrong. Mae has a thing for running around in various stages of undress and, try as we might, it is impossible to quell, even at this late age… Still, I do have some dignity, you know, and refused to have her parading around half dressed in all of my Christmas pics!)

They entered the darkened room with only the Christmas tree to light the way and before a single cord was pulled, Miranda declared the  presents were there and that it was, indeed, a Monster High School! (How she knew this in pitch blackness, I will never know, but Mae threw on the switch and both girls stared, slack-jawed in wonder. Mae squealed “All of our favorite dolls are in it! How did he GET them OUT OF OUR ROOM!!” (Magic, children… The jolly man has his ways.) They poked and prodded the toys, also marveling at the two giant (1/2 pound each) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and whole pound Hershey Chocolate Bar he’d left for the whole family. Soon, Miranda discovered the Deluxe Magic Set and was intrigued with the myriad of tricks available for her to learn and demonstrate, ripping it over and asking me to explain how I was making them work… Santa definitely had their numbers! (A Little-known Fact About Me: I used to really be in to magic when I was a child. I would take books out of the public library on a regular basis learning how to design and implement tricks. I studied the masters and their plans. I watched the specials and speculated on how the tricks were being done based on my limited knowledge… In short, I was a big magic nerd, lol. So, yeah, mom is the resident dork when it comes to magic tricks on TV and otherwise at our house!)

After investigating the half eaten cookies left behind, deciding no one should eat them lest they catch Santa’s germs and be transformed into the man himself (Miranda’s brainchild: I don’t know where she gets these ideas, but I approve!) and finding his note written in his usual hand, it was time to pillage the stockings and examine the “normal” presents from Mom & Dad under the tree. (Santa had told them in his note that he’d brought mostly “together” presents this year to encourage them to get along better in 2014… Of course, being Santa’s accountant, I knew that the two gifts that were so prominently displayed on our coffee table had put Santa back quite a few pennies and those combined sleigh repairs over the past couple months had tightened his purse strings substantially.)

Advice from Santa 2013

Advice from Santa 2013 – Our Santa is rather direct & to the point… :)


Miranda had some idea of what her gift was before she’d even opened it. The odd shaped box and less-than-substantial weight had her calling it “The Monster High Doll” before it was even pulled out from under the tree. However, Mae’s present, a collector Barbie in the likeness of Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games, complete with jacket, cargo pants, bow, arrows, and quiver… all in the likeness of Miss Jennifer Lawrence, herself, was unexpected and sent Mae into a fit of joy so powerful it is hard to describe. I’d bought the doll uncertain of its reception, to be honest, and I knew that either she’d love it… or she’d toss it aside. However, I had no idea she would love it this much and was so happy I’d hunted it down and purchased, even after it was sold out across town. Yay for the internet and moms everywhere!

The Joy of a Well-chosen Gift! :D

The Joy of a Well-chosen Gift! :D


Of course, our Christmas morning was quickly coming to a close and we still had to make the drive to the country for Christmas dinner and family holiday time. The drive was uneventful, for the most part. My gorgeous Betty, a 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT, made the trip with few troubles despite my concerns about bottoming out on or sliding off of snow and ice-covered gravel roads, and we were soon pulling up to my grandparents farm in Northwest Missouri. We came bearing three types of cookies and homemade gifts of bracelets and Ninja Bread Christmas ornaments!

Ninjabread Men

Ninjabread Men


Everyone there was in good spirits and it was great to spend time really talking with relatives I don’t get to see on a regular basis. Of course, we all honored the missing and the fallen and acknowledged their absence, whether it was due to scheduling, responsibility, or death. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food prepared for the meal. There was of course sledding and Jake Boarding… and everyone seemed almost giddy as they shared the gifts they’d brought for everyone. I received the handled mixing bowl to go along with my Kitchen Aide mixer, ever my favorite bridal gift even after these 11 years — well, that and the smoking juke-joint Jezebel incense holder which is also a grand favorite displayed with honor on my hall bookshelf, a jacket, a book safe, a handkerchief, and many, many other odds and ends that equaled up to a very generous family. The children’s big highlight of the event were the rockin’ scooters and Adventure Time themed packs they received from their great aunt and uncle, but all gifts were well received and appreciated. 


Then it was back home so that we could watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special. Yes, dear reader, we are Whovians at this house and The Doctor and pizza was the perfect end to a lovely day!

I am now back to work today and the girls and Jason met me for lunch then are off to Toys ‘R’ Us to spend a little of their Christmas money. (I hope there are no shenanigans!) The girls’ room is currently in a holding pattern and Santa’s note praising their effort and wishing it had been a year-long endeavor may be enough to keep this going for a couple months… Maybe… Everyone took part in the after Christmas sales and the girls had me order a few items for them off of Amazon using some of their Christmas money.


Have a happy holiday season!


Run! It is upon us! ;D

Letters on the Wind: Alex

Alex Underwater (with Cats)

Photo Credits: All Photos within this post were taken, modified, and/or belong to Alex Steiner.

Hey, Alex,

How’s the afterlife? Seeing that you’re new there, you probably don’t have it all down just yet. But I bet you’ve got a good bead on things just the same. Of course, those of us you’ve left behind are stuck here first wondering why. Then accepting the inevitability of what has transpired and, finally, knowing that this is not some joke. That you are gone. That they’d seen pieces of this floating downstream for months. That they wish they’d said something, done something, been something in that final moment where persuasion might have actually been met with understanding. Where certainty still could crumble into something other than where we are now… But we didn’t. You did. That’s that.

I hope the trip was uneventful. (or at least uneventful in a negative way… I’m all for positive right now.)

I see all these people posting all this really great stuff about you on your wall and I tend to concur. There is nothing that prepared me for the news… and yet there is so much that did prepare me for it. I see messages we sent. Snail Mail I’ve yet to return favor. Your warnings written in understated clicks and paintings of light… Well, I have now opened my box of shimmery beautiful regret and I am floored by it. Your absence is deafening… Seriously, it roars in foreign tongues and stupors long since past and yet to be had. In fact, it’s been roaring at me for a week, yet I did nothing. I mentioned it in my journals. Spoke of it to Jas. Even made note of it in my over-cluttered mind. But I didn’t reach out. I kick myself for not saying anything. Something. But that was inevitable, too… I mean, your absence has been screaming at me since before you were self-silenced. Something had to give. I guess everything had to give, right?

I know that I was almost seduced by the roses and posies pasted on your wall. I almost delved deep into my admiration and bled all over it. (Yes, I used the term admiration. Look it up. It defines things pretty well.) But I didn’t. It all just seemed too public for someone who was herself, so public… yet not. Someone who padded herself with fuzzy, kitten-smelling barbed-wire, razor-sharp snails, OkCupid transcripts, and art photos while only publicly hinting at the state of all things Alex. We all know nothing I could put up there would be as good a tribute as what you’d posted yourself and I just don’t want to fuck that up. Besides, maybe it would mean something to know that I am writing about you on something that belongs to me. That I was spreading the gospel of Alex Steiner outside of the construct you had created.

A few weeks ago, you messaged me. You’d not really randomly message me in a very long time and I thought it was odd, but pleasant. I felt shone upon that you’d chosen me to help pass your time. You were, at the time, still recovering from that awful job that you hated. We talked about how horrible it was and how you tried to make it seem funny or fun, but that it wasn’t. You discussed how you come on so fierce and so strong, when inside you’re crumbling into a “little heap.” You were talking about how you’d stopped your medication and how that probably wasn’t the best idea, but that you were doing it anyway. You apologized for being a “lonely, borderline alcoholic” and drunkenly messaging me. I hate that the brief moment was pretty much our last real exchange. I hate that there has to be a last real exchange.

I still keep thinking this must be a joke. But the more I think, the more I know it isn’t. I mean, I had seen you pretty dark before, but there was an ostentatious quality about it. A commerciality  if you will. Something bigger than the words, like you were playing to an arena, and your flair for the dramatic always let me know you were going to be ok… But that last time there wasn’t any of that. It was just you and as much as you apologized, I always liked you for you. No apologies needed. Whatsoever.


Photo Credits: All Photos within this post were taken, modified, and/or belong to Alex Steiner.

As the weeks went by, your updates were at times slightly more aggressive, yet also withdrawn. You seemed more insecure, publicly as well as privately. As the end came closer, your postings became more erratically timed until they were pretty much gone. I felt oddly suspicious. I told myself you were preparing to kill off this account. That I just hadn’t received an invite to the next one, if there was even going to be a next one. But I never thought…

No! That’s not true! I did think for a split second: “Has Alex hurt herself? Has she done what she hinted at?” I brushed it off, but I did think it. When you said to me “I’m going to be off of here for a while,” in the most sedate way you could, I thought “Why?” Now I suppose I know why. When Jay, the catalyst for our friendship, posted on your wall, I knew that those thoughts and feelings I’d had were now justified. As the hours went by, it became painfully clear: Alex had done exactly what I was afraid she had done… And I wasn’t so surprised. Hurt? Yes. Saddened? Definitely… But surprised? No…

I just wish your sails had filled with a different wind, taken a different path, and that I could write you this letter and know that you’d actually be there to read it.

So I guess I’ll just say: I miss you already, Alex. I miss you because you were a link to a part of me that had long since past, but that I cared deeply about, and because you were just so very singular in a world full of so much of exactly the same. I hope you find what you’re looking for out there. (I mean it.) You deserve only the best things. (I mean that, too.)

Safe travels, sweet friend,


Photo Credits: All Photos within this post were taken, modified, and/or belong to Alex Steiner.

Settling for a Life that is Less

Mandela Quote

I keep seeing this posted around and I tend to agree with its general sentiment… In theory, in ideal, in most every way… except in practice.

I mean, seriously, everyone tosses around these amazingly inspirational blurbs, quotes, thoughts. (Especially after the quoted has died, I might add.) No one mentions the inherent risk in living this way. No one really talks about what this particular person had to endure to be who he was… What he had to live with to be able to meaningfully say and think these thoughts.No one talks about how in their real, everyday life the truest they are to their grand potential is on a stupid Social Networking site… They hide the fact that the biggest risk they take on average is watching the wrong television program or saying something semi-scandalous at the water cooler. They hide who they are and what their life is really about behind a dry, flaking facade of embellished stories, posed pictures, amazing quotables, and stolen ideas. Happiness is shellacked over every fucking moment of their lives as picture after picture and line after stolen line is posted… and all that is real, all that truly means anything is hidden within this foggy shell of falsehood.

What happened to the real you? The one you were born with? The one that was formed through experience and age? Is she hiding behind an animated figure you’ve posed to be the perfect representation of who you are? Is she screaming to be let out? To truly experience all the things she represents in the public eye? Is she trapped between the person you’ve created here on the internet, the person you outwardly present in person, and her deepest thoughts and dreams?

Does she even exist anymore?


Project 365 ~ November 2013


November felt rushed. Too many things to do. Too much responsibility. Too few breaks… And my photos reflect that. They are uninspired, tired, and rather utilitarian. Not at all what I strive for or what I enjoy.

As an aside, I really think that I’ve bitten off a little more than I can chew on all personal fronts and I am hoping I can reorganize or delegate some of my responsibilities in the upcoming months so that I don’t feel so overwhelmed. However, since that is not what’s happening now, here are my November photos.

photo 2

Fat Lip Hollie


photo 3

Wetlands Workshop with the Brownies @ The KC Zoo


photo 4

Miranda: Big Head, Tiny Legs


photo 5

Cooking with Mae: Cheesecake Crust


photo 1

Photo Bomb Mae – Ever the ham, Mae just couldn’t help herself!

Project 365 ~ October 2013

photo 3

October ushered in cooler weather, family travel, and a generally good time! We started the month by participating in the Gladfest Parade with the Girl Scouts, then we went on a trip to St. Louis mid-month to celebrate my cousin’s wedding. By the end, I found myself buried in burlap as I attempted to finish Miranda’s costume in time for the Trick-or-Treat festivities.

Take a peek!

photo 2

Miranda as Sam from the movie Trick-or-Treat. It took me quite some time to get it this far and there’s so much more to do before she takes it to Comicon 2014!


photo 1

Miranda holding the head of her alter ego :)


photo 5

Starbucks on a very cool, very early Sunday morning!


photo 4

Cupcakes in celebration of Juliette Lowe’s Birthday after our troop volunteered at a local food bank.


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The annual Haunted Hollie pic. :)


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Mae dreaming of her own wedding, many years away!


photo 1

Part of my troop after they walked in the Gladfest Parade early in the month.


Thanks for looking and have a great November,




I have been struck by the strong desire, NAY! I have been overtaken by the impressing need to travel lately. I can’t explain it, but just an hour ago I have entertained the fantastic notion of purchasing a plain ticket to, well, anywhere that’s not the US (and fairly temperate) and going there. RIGHT NOW! I have, over the course of the last few weeks, planned and re-planned vacations to England, Spain, Germany, Egypt, Tokyo that I will never have the means to take. I have poked and prodded and hemmed and hawed about the disdainful trip my family wants to take to the vomit-inducing, wallet emptying, and utterly fraudulent Disney, pushing instead for a real trip to real places…

I am truly considering foregoing the Disney trip and doing something else while the kids and Jas go and shake hands with fake princesses and roam the streets of fake Spain while the giganticorp hides rapes, assault, and theft beneath a lush green carpet of cash. Maybe I will take that drive to California I always thought would be great. Photographing the trek across the US in true Hollie style. Cruise up the coast and visit the Pacific Northwest before heading back home. Of course, that doesn’t settle well because of the time period. They are wanting to go around Christmas 2014 and that does not bode well for road trips in these parts. Maybe I’ll work through their vacation and take one of my own in the Spring or Fall. Maybe I’ll head to Europe and be a true fish out of water? Lot’s of possibilities here. (Of course, I will probably end up being shoehorned into Disney or staying at home.)

The Unhappiest Place On Earth

Disney on Ice: The Unhappiest Place On Earth


This seems to be a trend with me. I get sick. I get scared. I get sicker still. I go introspective and, eventually, give up hope. Instead of fighting or ignoring my symptoms and pain, I start accepting my fate as a lonely, warped, sick person… This goes on for much longer than any person should have to deal with. It goes on so long that I actual write letters to all the people I want to remember me. I start planning my funeral and getting paperwork together (because I know that I can’t hang on much longer like this.) I finally get to a point where I KNOW I’d be better off dead and suspect so would most people in my life…

And then, like magic, I start feeling more like myself. A little scattered maybe. A little frumpier or more tired, but I start feeling slightly less raw around the edges. I begin building myself back up. I start being a little crazier. A little more impulsive. A little more fun.  And then, this need for metamorphosis hits me. A very real need to create, become, change, and travel hits me all at once.

Metamorphosis: I' class=

Metamorphosis: I’m Turning Into a Bug…


Now, I must admit, this may be due to the meds. There are warnings all over the papers that this particular med, while it is less likely to kill me outright, does have a tendency to increase or intensify emotional and behavioral attributes and/or issues. So, slightly insecure becomes “THEY ARE ALL GONNA LAUGH AT YOU!” A little high strung becomes “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING JUST SITTING THERE?!” A few pounds too heavy becomes “YOU LOOK LIKE A RHYNO!” A severe dislike of confrontation turns into “RUN, RUNNER – THERE IS NO SANCTUARY!” Feelings that no one listens or you aren’t respected or no one cares become “YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW DAMMIT! I AM SO ALONE!” You get the picture. So, all these things inherent in me, whatever they might be are intensified, increased, almost advertised for the world. Little blips telling EVERYONE my issues and flaws… Great… :/

This is not my first Avonex Rodeo. I was on it for 3.5 years when I was first diagnosed. I didn’t have any troubles with the shots. Those were easy and offered some sort of ritual in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.But after I was off of it, I noticed there were behavioral differences  in me that I couldn’t really see at the time. Was that Avonex? Or was it just me? Am I different now due to the benefits of age and wisdom or was I that way then due to the influence of this ridiculous medication. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Only time will tell.



A Toast to One of the Best…

One of my longest known and best friends just died. I’ve known him since I was 5… I foun…

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photo 2

After a bit of bum luck on Etsy, I've decided that in addition to selling my prints I could make the…

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A Toast to One of the Best…

One of my longest known and best friends just died. I’ve known him since I was 5… I foun…

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The Bucket List: 50+ Ways to Add to the Story

The Bucket List: Ways to Add to the Story
Inspired by a few friends, I decided that it w…

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It”s Finally Here:

Youth! Edition #1 in blazing duotone! Measuring 2.75″ x 4.25″, it may be diminutive in s…

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