
A Toast to One of the Best…


One of my longest known and best friends just died. I’ve known him since I was 5… I found out, sitting at a picnic table with a friend over my break yesterday evening… I was immediately and irrevocably floored… It’s not like I didn’t expect it. When he called the very last time he told […]

Question 2: Fame…


Question #2: Would you like to be famous? In what way?
Yes – Preferably for something good!
Honestly, I’d like it to be for something I produced. A writing, my voice, maybe even my thoughts… But it should be something that came from me that wasn’t a child, lol!

Question 1: Love Me or Hate Me… There Really is No Middle Ground…

Hollie & Finn at SJMO Mardi Gras a millennia ago

First: A little background information… It is conjectured that the more a pair of individuals share their vulnerabilities, the more likely they will be to have deep, personal feelings toward each other… Sometimes to the point of loving one another, romantically or otherwise. Psychologist Arthur Aaron of Stony Brook University has created a study to prove this […]

Too Much…

Hot & Mean

I’m too skinny, he says… But to that one? I’m much, much too fat… And she thinks I’m too loud, but her friend finds me too quiet… And I’m definitely too much on the whole… but still not quite enough. There are times when I’ve been handsome, beautiful even, when the mood strikes you… yet […]

The Transience of Life

Pygmy Skeleton Bride

The holidays they come and go and with them are reminders of all the people who I’ve seen come and go in this world… each holding a part of who I am in their special way.

Beginning & The End…

Tempo of Doom

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the end and the beginning… of everything… all at once.

Twenty years since this… and everything after has been a gift and a curse. A life lived a lifetime ago and now only tenuous strings hold me to what was before… Tenuous ties and strings I’ve tried vehemently to cut and yet cling desperately to — As if they will somehow save me from what I’ve become or take me back to what I was before…

10 Things I Have to Do This Week

Sweet Potato Queens

Find a location for the LiA overnight my GS troop is running in a month or so for a great little Brownie group or two and touch base with possible attendees Sort out all of my tax docs to see what’s missing and  figure out if I I can locate it online or whether I’ll […]

6 Reasons I’m So Happy It’s Friday!

  No Work tomorrow! Sleep in… tomorrow! IT’S THE END OF A VERY STRESSFUL WEEK! Get to close the chapter on that book… PIZZA NIGHT! Spend Time with my Girls Annual Goals: Plan & Take a Great Vacation on a small budget, Repair the teepee and de-stank it thoroughly, Epoxy Coat the Basement Floor, Dress […]

4 Things that Truly Scare Me

  Real pain. I haven’t felt real, physical pain since I was a kid… Probably the last time I can remember truly feeling pain was after the Wreck the Lives in Infamy ™ nearly 20 years ago. Now I go through the motions. Sometimes I feel an ache or a pain — something that lets […]

10 Reasons I’m Crabby Today


  I had to de-curl this mire of a hairdo this morning. Early morning meetings. Coffee Pot empty with no more coffee grounds to make more. :/ Radius training that isn’t about your area, but about your platemaker’s area so that you can be sure to help him when he inevitably messes it up. My […]

10 Things I Wish I’d Done In My Youth


Travel Reached Higher Stayed Active Got that PhD Partied More Made More Friends Been Less Afraid Listened to Prof Gilgun Wrote that Book Been More Independent Annual Goals: Plan & Take a Great Vacation on a small budget Quarterly Goals: Run another 5K, Pay off Bettie Speaking of such things, I received the nicest email […]

10 Reasons I Need to Run the Shamrock & Run 5K


Gym Motivation Thigh Muscles 25 Pounds BMI GLUTES Bragging Rights Bottle Opener Finisher’s Medal Expensive Running Shoes Focus Proof I still Can! Big Picture Goals: Run another 5K, Take a Great Vacation this Year, Retire by 55, Pay off the Car, Pay off the House Goals for Today: Pay Bills, Balance Checkbook, Get Groceries & […]

My Regime


I lay my health routine out for the masses… Cuz I’m all about transparency ;P



De-escalation – Is this a problem? Apparently it is, because none of us bother to talk about it. None of you stop doing it. Nobody seems to do a damn thing to stop it… Including me.

Reflection on 2015

So, it’s New Year’s Eve — Another year older and another year wiser, right? We’ll see on that last bit. :) Still, the older part is definitely true.

The Fight is In Our Bones…


I pray that you will understand that it may not be perfect, but I’m here and I try and I MAKE SHIT HAPPEN. That my tribe, the people like me, we MAKE SHIT HAPPEN, through every wall erected, through every barrier placed, through every petty, insignificant, rule… we push on and WE MAKE SHIT HAPPEN. It won’t be perfect. It sometimes won’t even be good. But it’s better than if we hadn’t done it at all and it’s a good sight better than those making the rules and erecting those walls might have done.

Crazy Town In My Backyard: The Wounded Mother


 I’ve been dealing with a lot of bizarre behavior from outside the hive lately. A girl involved with me and my children has taken to lying, backstabbing, gossiping, throwing tantrums, and really exhibiting inappropriate behavior at almost every turn. If this was a child, you’d immediately wonder what’s happening at home to make her behave […]

It”s Finally Here:


Youth! Edition #1 in blazing duotone! Measuring 2.75″ x 4.25″, it may be diminutive in size, but not in our hearts Created for a design class, this edition features grown-up me sporting a few of the hairstyle I had as a kid. From Trendy and On-point to Failing and Gasp-worthy, all are represented here. Take […]

Reflection on 2014

My Felt Work

Lot’s of things happened this year that, given the opportunity to go back and fix them, I would. However, knowing that regret is a nasty bedfellow and second chances are rare, I’ve decided to acknowledge those mistakes and to move forward with added knowledge, increased wisdom, a good attitude, and a generous heart…

Parenting: You’re Doing It Right? Pretty Much? Sorta?

Animal Kingdom?

Growing up with a strong sense of independence leads Hollie to discard a lot of modern parenting practice.

Mae & Miranda’s ALS Ice Bucket Kung Fu Challenge

The girls and I were challenged. I knew it would happen eventually and they both knew what it was about, but our challenge came in bright and early Wednesday morning, the day both Mae & I were out sick. You see, our GS troop was challenged by my friend Jackie’s youngest. Mae and I thought […]

Kenny Rogers, Amazons, Jungle Hide-outs…

This song is stuck in my head for the past two days… Until a night or two past, I’d not heard it since I was a small child when this and other songs like it were staples on the dark, cold rides to work with my dad. I still remember this vintage and sort playing […]

Horrifying Abuse of Power

Post by Ian Elliott. This. THIS right here is why I’m terrified of law enforcement officers. TERRIFIED. Because all it takes is one insecure, over-powered asshole’s power trip to hurt, maim, disfigure, or kill… and very rarely is there any true retribution when it does. I can say, based on my few relatively brief and […]

Nobody’s Perfect… So Why am I Expected to be?

  It made me cry the first time I watched it… But society being what it is, it didn’t change the fact that I still put my make-up on every day, struggle into uncomfortable clothes, and head into the world where I will be judged more for what’s between my legs and what I look […]