
The Sum of Its Parts…


The Sum of Its Parts…
Thoughts on my background and past motivations.


Sometimes, when I write down on the outside what my soul says on the inside, I fall in love with my words and want to run away with myself. Other Posts You Might Like:

My 19th Year

Meme: Give me a year between 0 and 34 and I will tell you about that year of my life. The number was 19. When I was 19, I lived with my mother still. (This wasn’t exactly due to my choosing, but being stuck in a hospital bed for over 6 months, unable to walk […]

I wish the Goblin King Would Come…


You know, many times in my life, I’ve asked the Goblin King to come take things away right now… I’m still waiting.Honestly, it’s not so much that I’ve asked him to take something away as I’ve asked (begged) him to take me away from it! I remember, as I would sit reflecting on how different […]

Eighty-three, subtract Fifty…


These are the things I will tell my children and grandchildren about my grandmother when the time comes that she will not be able to tell them herself.


Plans for She-Ra's Dress

SIX to SUPER! Progress on the Retro Costuming

The Holiday Season Approaches!


As the holiday season approaches, I find myself thinking of all the things I’ll have on my plate during the next few months.


When I take a photo, my artistic eye won’t let me just take a picture. I don’t want my snapshots to be like everyone else’s snapshots. I want real photos… things that make people stop and look… Things that are not like everyone else’s shit. I want them to look, uniquely, like what I see in […]


photo 2

After a bit of bum luck on Etsy, I’ve decided that in addition to selling my prints I could make them into one or two-of-a-kind jewelry pieces.

Journal Doodle:
Birthdays, Banking & BS

Lunch Time Journal Doodle: Birthdays, Banking & BS

With that in mind, Happy Birthday, Jas. Here’s an octopus. What does that mean? I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll understand. And if you don’t? Well, have a happy birthday anyway.



The sun rose again today,
Contrary to last night’s “End of The World.”
I should be comforted by this…

I watch her rise above the horizon,
Fiery tendrils reaching across the sky in a blaze of defiance
Against my anything and everything.

Why does she choose to mock my mood?
To squash my worries like ants on the pavement?
Discrediting me with the simple act of rising.

She just beams, sometimes a little too brightly,
Sweet radiation cooking my skin, making me sweat.
Making me burn.

Oh, the Wilds & Ways of the World

The Stump on Top of One of the Smaller Dirt Mounds

Contractor issues, shipping problems and general day job blah settles in at the Machine…

Keep Your Game Up!


Follow these suggestions and reminders to help revive your craft during creative lulls.

Never Underestimate the Power of Social Media…


Can social media help even this lowly photographer find a model? You bet it can! :D


Waiting really stinks. I know, patience is a virtue and the world loves a virtuous woman and therefore I should be patient and well-loved and all that crap… Well, I’m not extremely patient when it comes to certain things. I’m only well-loved in some very odd circles… And, honestly, I’ve grown exhausted from the waiting. […]

Newbie on Board

Union Station @ Night

I did it. I entered a piece into a juried exhibition. (Well, three pieces, actually.) I doubt I get very far and certainly not far enough to be displayed, but I just decided that if I don’t ever try, I will never succeed…

Life Goes On…

Picture 3

The past 6 weeks of no class have found me doing a slew of things to occupy my time…

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It…

Let's Bowl - March 2011

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It…
Design Jobs: Love them or hate them, they are a part of my life.

World of Wheels: What a Blast!


We survived World of Wheels unscathed (beside my sore ears from all the whining I was forced to listen to!) and had a great time!

Sins & Vices – All those Bad Things We Do


What an exhausting pace I’ve been keeping this term. My photography course kept me hopping and with all that tumbling after me, here we are at the end. My final project is officially finished, turned in and has been graded (although grades have not been posted as of yet.) Three weeks, over 1,700 photos and […]

A Very Conan Christmas

Christmas with a Biting Wit and Deadly Sword

We at Clockwork Creation Machine have decided that it really is time for a new face on Christmas. No more Santa and his shining reindeer. No more dancing Frosty with his silk hat. No more Jack Frost or that annoying Heat Miser… No more cheesy happy-go-lucky Christmas BS!! And what better spokesperson is there for […]

Two More Weeks…

Graveyard Moss

Again, a busy two weeks shooting and another two weeks of busy holiday events! Take a look!

Pretty as a Picture

The Spell

This weekend finds me busy. Family, friends and lot’s and lot’s of work requests (scholarly and otherwise!) So, in lieu of a long, detailed post, here’s a few samples of what’s been going on! Miranda, casting a spell on the flowers at our table. A few apples and pomegranates I had laying around made for […]

Many Thanks!


There are many things in our lives that we take for granted. Well, today, Thanksgiving, would be the day to really sit back and look at the things we’re thankful for… So, here’s a short list of serious, silly and frivolous things I’m thankful for this year I’m Thankful… … that fish don’t have feelings […]