Archive for August, 2014

Mae & Miranda’s ALS Ice Bucket Kung Fu Challenge

The girls and I were challenged. I knew it would happen eventually and they both knew what it was about, but our challenge came in bright and early Wednesday morning, the day both Mae & I were out sick. You see, our GS troop was challenged by my friend Jackie’s youngest. Mae and I thought […]

I can be upset with them, love them, any of a million things with them… but in the end, I understand that telling a camel to be a swan just isn’t going to happen and I can only be angry at myself for asking that poor camel to try.

Kenny Rogers, Amazons, Jungle Hide-outs…

This song is stuck in my head for the past two days… Until a night or two past, I’d not heard it since I was a small child when this and other songs like it were staples on the dark, cold rides to work with my dad. I still remember this vintage and sort playing […]

Horrifying Abuse of Power

Post by Ian Elliott. This. THIS right here is why I’m terrified of law enforcement officers. TERRIFIED. Because all it takes is one insecure, over-powered asshole’s power trip to hurt, maim, disfigure, or kill… and very rarely is there any true retribution when it does. I can say, based on my few relatively brief and […]